The Ultimate Guide on How to Attract Users to Your App

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How to Attract Users to Your App 101

Before we dive into our main topic, how often do you think you’ve downloaded an app simply because it was trendy at the time? That’s probably true since you’ve probably downloaded a bunch of apps merely because they were the “it” thing at the time. Acquiring users is a tad difficult. People always think of user acquisition as a 50/50 chance; you either exceed your expectations or you don’t. Let us call this the 50/50 theory. Many developers try as much as they can to deviate from this theory and just stick right in the middle. They don’t intend to exceed expectations or simply leave with nothing. However, this can be somewhat wrong, as mobile user acquisition can always be a huge and exceptional success In this article, we will guide you through all the user acquisition methods and how to successfully attract users to your app.

An Overview of User Acquisition

User acquisition, or UA, is the stage where developers seek to attract new users once they have finished developing their apps. User acquisition is a critical part of any app marketing process. It is usually the first step of any app marketing process, as it is a major factor in how well this app will do in the future and will determine its potential from the very start. Due to its significance, user acquisition has many strategies to cover and talk about. These strategies must be applied correctly and effectively in order for your app to take off later on. However, before getting into strategies, let us highlight some tips that you need to carefully consider before implementing your user acquisition strategy.

Before going off with UA strategies, you need to first identify your users. Apps are not a one-size-fits all type of thing. Your users or potential audience are identified based on many characteristics, such as your app category, type, functions, etc. For instance, if you have an entertainment app, you’d usually look for an audience that is mostly young, not exceeding 30 years old. That is because kids in this age range are usually the ones looking for these types of apps. It would be in your best interest to take this action, as doing so would greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your user acquisition efforts.

Another tip is to gather all the necessary data about the market you’d like to enter and the competitors found there. Learning more about your market is a great step toward understanding all the requirements and standards. In addition to that, it will give you a chance to thoroughly learn about the competitors so that you can keep up and compete with them.

Best Strategies to Attract Users to Your App

1. It Is Your Features’ Time to Shine

The first strategy that is indeed effective and would successfully attract users to your app is emphasizing features. Features are the core of any app and are part of what tells the story and accomplishes the app’s goal. Several app marketers and developers rely on highlighting features and stating the benefits and value they will provide to users. The more novel and innovative your features are, the more users are attracted to your app and tend to download it.

For instance, the Starbucks Loyalty Program’s feature is mainly why many users go to the app. It provides users, especially regular ones, with the ability to collect points and be rewarded with each purchase. As much as this feature is already used in many similar apps to Starbucks, the company knew exactly how to emphasize it and highlight its benefits, which in turn made users more attracted to the app.

2. Localization Is the Perfect Answer

Localization Is the Perfect Answer

Isn’t it frustrating to find a great app that has everything you are looking for but is not supported in your language? A real bummer. That is exactly what you should avoid with localization. Localizing your application is the process of offering our application to different segments, cultures, and languages. It is very important to expand your horizons and think about users that are usually out of reach and disregarded by other developers. This would not only attract more users to your app and increase downloads, but it would also create a loyal bond and user base.

3. Trends, Trends, Trends!

One strategy we are going to dive deep into and highlight a bit more is trends. Leveraging trends is one of the most effective user acquisition strategies. It has proven its significance in attracting users to a great extent.

What Is a Trend

A trend is something that gained popularity and reached its peak in a certain amount of time. Britney spears, low-rise jeans, and Myspace in the 2000s; boybands, neon colors, and Facebook in the 2010s; and hyper pop, oversized everything, and TikTok in the 2020s. These were all the trends we got to witness and are still witnessing over our lifetime. These trends were also the window for many business owners to take their companies to the next level, and for app owners to do the same now.

Using Trends to Attract Users

Attract Users

Taking advantage of a recent trend may seem easy to many; however, it needs planning and careful execution to deliver the required results. This means that you shouldn’t overuse a trend, as it will give the impression that you have nothing valuable to offer. Also, you need to be careful about which trends to utilize and which not to. Utilizing a trend to attract users for your app involves many aspects, such as features, using trending keywords in your app store optimization, and many more.

For instance, the minute the 2022 World Cup started, many apps shifted toward employing such an important trend. Apps like TikTok started dedicating a whole section in the app for users to discuss this event. Many food delivery apps started to give out offers and promotions for both new and existing users. Needless to say, it definitely worked, and these apps gained many new users throughout the event timeline.

Another example is International Women’s Day. Such an important event and trend was also a great chance for apps to attract new users. On this day, many apps started changing the whole app’s theme to be more feminine and emphasize women’s power. Also, there were exclusive offers made especially for women, such as Uber’s 50% coupon that was only eligible for female users all around the world.

Final Thoughts

User acquisition is a broad and huge term to explore. From localizing your app to using trends, each strategy would serve a specific purpose and lead to different results. That is why it is extremely important to sort out your priorities, identify your potential users, and learn all the necessary data to choose the best strategy for you and your app and be able to attract as many users as you can.

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