What Does a Flutter Developer Do and What Are His Responsibilities?

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A Flutter developer is a programmer who works on creating cross-platform applications available for devices with Android and iOS operating systems.

Flutter is a reasonably young technology that began to be used in 2017. It is actively growing due to its high efficiency. Therefore, people who want to develop a mobile application for themselves often look for where they can hire flutter developers to complete the tasks. You can use the services of the Huntly platform. The company offers a wide range of specialists in various IT areas.

Functionality and Tasks of a Flutter Developer

The framework is quickly taking over the programming market with the support of Google. It sets new trends in the world of mobile and web development. The solutions provided have great potential. They are constantly improving. It will be helpful for a company to hire a Flutter developer for several reasons:

  • to avoid the limitations of React Native and Xamarin;
  • to simplify the process of developing mobile and web versions of products;
  • to increase productivity;
  • to save resources.

The primary responsibility of a Flutter developer is to create applications. However, this is not all the specialist’s responsibilities; you also need to be able to solve project problems. Tasks may affect different areas of development, based on which the following duties of a Flutter developer can be distinguished:

  • architecture planning;
  • writing documentation;
  • writing code in Flutter;
  • testing;
  • technical maintenance, ongoing support;
  • expanding the functionality of the application, updating it.

Developers may also need to compile code to use standardized web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to work with clients.

Requirements for an IT Specialist

IT Specialist

Flutter is a reasonably new IT technology because only in 2018, Google released the first stable version for Android and iOS. The rapid popularity of this trend has also influenced the growth of specialists in this field.

Today, there are about 2 million Flutter developers. However, finding an IT specialist with extensive experience in writing a flutter application is impossible. This feature can be explained by the fact that the direction is relatively young.

When choosing a Flutter programmer, you must be guided by the following requirements:

  • at least 3 years of experience in creating cross-platform mobile products;
  • at least 1 year of Darts programming experience;
  • Experience working in at least one programming language (Java, Swift, React Native, etc);
  • experience with Git, Jira;
  • knowledge of technical English;
  • familiarity with Agile development approaches;
  • SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases;
  • knowledge of Android Studio, IntelliJ, Flutter SDK, and Virtual Studio Code.

You should pay attention to the specialist’s previous experience, so he must be able to develop mobile applications using other technologies.

Flutter developer is a relatively young but prevalent profession. Finding a specialist will be difficult for companies because only some understand a potential candidate’s requirements. However, you can use the services of the Huntly platform, which offers professional IT specialists. The customer needs to indicate his price, after which he will receive the best specialists.