How to Write a Persuasive Email Copy for Prospecting

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If you want to grab a decision-maker’s attention through an email and get them excited to talk more, it is possible. Your sales team can make it happen with the right persuasion techniques and copywriting skills. And the best part is that any sales rep can learn to do it without any fuss. So…Say a big NO to more generic and impersonal emails that get lost in the noise. In this guide, I have shared a few practical tips on how to write a persuasive email that gets definite results. More importantly, you will learn how to write an email that resonates with your audience and prompts them to respond. In addition to that, you will be able to write emails that spark genuine interest and start meaningful conversations with these strategies.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Warm Up Your Sales Strategy with Gifting

Sales Strategy with Gifting

You can corporate gifting in your email copies because it is a game-changer for your sales strategy. Interestingly, it helps you connect with recipients on a personal level. Moreover, it shows them that your outreach is designed specifically for them. In this way, a thoughtful gift can grab their attention and leave a lasting impression.

Furthermore, using a corporate gifting platform like lemlist can help you scale your gifting efforts and make a bigger impact. Hence, one thing is proven here: gifting can also help keep you top of mind with potential customers.

There is no doubt that it is a powerful way to build relationships and establish trust when done right. Speaking honestly, you will witness an increase in responses and conversions by incorporating gifting into your sales strategy.

Step 2: Create a Best Subject Line

Your subject line is your chance to grab attention of your readers and entice them to open your email. So, you need to keep it straightforward, punchy, and to-the-point according to their interests. Therefore, a good subject line should stimulate their curiosity and make them want to read more.

Here are some examples of direct subject lines that work:

  • Inbox placement — feedback
  • Noticed this on your site
  • Market share [your brand] x [company name]
  • Idea for [category] CRM
  • Scaling [function]
  • We have seen…

Remember, ditch the corporate jargon and marketing speak. This is a sales email, not a marketing campaign. Your goal is to stimulate demand and get them interested in what you have to say.

As the legendary copywriter Joe Sugarman said, the headline’s job (or in this case, the direct subject line) is to get them to read the next line. And that line should get them to read the next one, and so on. It is all about creating a slippery slope of interest that captivates them. And it all starts with the subject line.

Step 3: Keep it Brief and Relevant

Brief and Relevant

Keep your cold sales emails short and sweet whenever you sit and start writing it. Your readers should feel comfortable scanning it quickly and easily. Also, don’t use technical jargon and lengthy sentences that can confuse or intimidate your recipient.

However, you can use industry-specific idioms and valuable phrases that show you understand the reality of your audience. For example, use terms like “CAC,” “Working Capital,” and “OpEx” to demonstrate your expertise if you are reaching out to a CFO. But, just be sure you know what you are talking about.

Moreover, keep your sales email concise and focused on the reader’s needs. It is obviously too long if it doesn’t not fit on a mobile phone screen. In this case, cut out any unnecessary information and get straight to the point.

Remember, your readers don’t care about your investors or your company’s history. They care about what you can do for them. So, focus on their needs and interests. If you want to include a customer testimonial, add it as a postscript to reinforce your true message.

Step 4: Use a Compelling Story to Connect

People remember stories, not facts and figures. So, use a true heartfelt story to connect with your recipient and make your email more relatable. You can share a real-life example or a case study that demonstrates the value of your product or service.

However, keep it concise and focused on the benefits. Plus, make sure it resonates with your recipient’s interests and pain points. When I was doing a marketing job for one of my clients, I used to share my weight loss journey with the recipients and many of them resonated with my journey. So, they loved to listen more from my side and they engaged. Similarly, you can do the same in your case.

Here are some tips from my Reddit fellows to make your story more effective:

  • Use a clear and concise structure: setup, conflict, resolution
  • Use vivid language and sensory details to bring the story to life
  • Highlight the benefits and results, rather than just listing features
  • Use a conversational tone to make it feel more personal and relatable

Remember, the goal is to create an emotional connection with your recipient. So, make them feel like you understand their challenges, life, and can help them achieve their aims & goals.

Wrap-Up: How to write a Persuasive Email Copy for Prospecting!

So guys, we have come to the end of our guide. Lastly, we want to suggest optimizing your email preview text. It is a crucial step for getting your prospective clients to open your email. This preview text, also known as the “pre-header”, is the first 40-90 characters that appear in the inbox, giving a sneak peek into the rest of the email.

As a sales rep, it is essential to create a preview text that flows smoothly from the subject line. It should build curiosity and spark interest. You can keep it short, personal, and to the point. Also, try to avoid using emojis, as they can hurt open rates.

I hope you will be well on your way to grabbing the attention of your prospective clients.