How to Build a Home Improvement App: The Ultimate Guide

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Because of this interesting digital era that we’re living in right now, mobile applications and smartphones are revolutionizing and changing the way we deal with daily life services. Home improvement services are in demand nowadays. That is why I created this guide: to help you learn how to create or build a home improvement app. On our blog, we discuss a lot about the way applications are transforming our lives in a 180-degree way. However, we’ve never discussed the importance of technician services or home improvement services. Additionally, we can enhance them through mobile applications. That is why I created this guide for you. In order to get to know the importance of mobile applications and the way you can enhance your daily life through them, dive head-in with us and get to know the addition you will get when you create an app for technician services.

What is a Home Improvement App?

Home Improvement App

I know how “obvious” this may sound as a question. However, this is one app that could help users enhance their lives in a way that they didn’t know they needed. A home improvement app or platform could help anyone with an issue they have at home. They could simply use the app to book a technician, and voila! They’ll have an appointment up and ready to help them fix their problem.

In the past, you would go to the nearest technician shop and ask someone to come and fix the issue that you were facing if they were available. Let me emphasize the “if” here because there was always the possibility of finding someone busy or not available at the shop right away. With an app, all of these fears are eliminated. This is a type of app that builds a bridge of connection between vendors, technicians, and users.

The Process: How Does a Home Improvement App Work?

A technician booking service app will simply list you some worthy technicians. Ones who received adequate and excessive training in order to help you. With each technician listed, you’ll find a small description of the services they offer. Additionally, for these types of applications, a fully working booking system is needed. One that allows users to access their desired technician’s calendar and book the appointment they find suitable with their schedule. In these apps, you’ll find the services listed for you according to various locations, users’ and technicians budgets and fees, and types of services.

An increasing number of technicians make up the hybrid personnel that many field service companies deal with. Because of their jobs, these field technicians are always on the move and in the field. Effective communication with these field technicians can lead to a number of advantages. That is why, below, we will discuss the many benefits you get from a technician app and what users will gain from such an app if they decide to download it. We will cover how they increase productivity and efficiency and enhance costly services.

Benefits of Creating a Home Improvement App For Your Business

Home Improvement App2

There are many benefits that you get from creating a technician service booking application. Below, we will discuss the many advantages of this app for your business.

  • Improved rate of technician productivity and agility.
  • Allows you to budget your projects, and many apps will even connect you with estimate services.
  • Full access to digital forums and enhanced workflows.
  • Accessibility of service details for a better personalized user experience and a much more flexible work scheme for technicians. An app could help technicians prepare their tools and themselves in an efficient way.
  • Facilitates the job of technicians through creating a booking system that allows them to know when they will be needed and customize their schedules based on appointment orders that users create.
  • It helps you track down your payment history and detail or document it effectively. An app can help you analyze your financial revenue and create a dashboard that will allow you to know the peak of your application usage.
  • Eliminates boring and time-consuming paperwork hassles and creates a more digitalized experience for both service providers and users.
  • Leaves a very small room for errors and mistakes to occur. An app for a technician service will allow you to have a mistake-free business.
  • An app makes room for users to give you their feedback. This helps you know your service strengths and weaknesses and allows you to work on any faulty features or bugs.
  • Facilitates communication with your firm or organization. An app can help people reach you easier and connect them with the right technician in no time.
  • Enhances your management through a new digitalized experience that saves you time, money, and effort.

Must-Have Features to Have In Your Home Improvement App

For every app, there are a bunch of features that determine whether your app will be successful or not. That is why, in order to take away any confusion and lend you a helping hand, we have listed for you some of the top must-have features that you should implement in your technician services booking app or platform. Below, I will divide the features into two sections: one that is customer-centric and another that is service provider-centric. Bear with me and get to know the features that your potential app should have.

Customer or User-Centric Features

Customer or User-Centric Features  

  • User registration form: This will allow your app users to sign up for your app and log in easily later on when they create a personalized account using their emails.
  • Social media integration button: This is one of the most important features that will allow users to create a profile using one of their social media platform’s data. This feature helps users sign up easily and in no time.
  • Authentication of data: This is one of the security features that will allow your users to use your app with peace of mind that their data is actually safe and secured.
  • Friendly UI/UX: Don’t neglect creating a friendly UI/UX interface for your application’s users. This feature will help users navigate your app easily without glitches or bugs. Furthermore, it allows them to have an app that fits each and every screen size and device. A friendly UI/UX is of great importance when it comes to contributing factors that allow your app to skyrocket it’s way towards success.
  • A search button: allows your users to search for any service they wish for and access it easily.
  • A search filter: allows users to filter their search results, which results in a more positive and personalized user experience.
  • Multiple payment gateways: This feature is important as it enhances your user experience. It enhances the experience because you integrate multiple gateways and options of payment, like paying through a bank account, a wallet, or a simple debit or credit card transaction.
  • A live location system: This feature will allow your users to find technicians near them easily through a mapping or GPS system.
  • Service cost calculator: This feature allows users to have an estimate calculation of how much a certain service will cost them.

Service Provider-Centric Features

  • In-app chatting system: This feature allows any provider to chat with their customers or users in case it is needed for efficient communication.
  • Quotation generation tool: allows providers to be able to create certain quotations for users to view and know.
  • Service request and details: A feature that allows service providers to create certain service requests and add their details for users to request and use.
  • Periodic reports: This is a feature that will allow service providers to create periodic reports detailing their service expenses and any other financial documentation needed.
  • Push notifications: Provide vendors or providers with notifications in the event that a specific user places a new service order.
  • Availability and service timing display: This allows providers to know their technicians’ schedules, accessibility, and availability. This is one feature that helps customers have a better experience with your app and guarantees them a detailed and highly time-oriented experience with no delays.
  • Work history: Enables providers to access user-made payment information and the work history of their technicians.
  • A seamless tracking system: enables providers to track their technicians’ routes and communicate with them through their field visits in case of an emergency or any updates needed.

How Do You Develop an App That Displays Your Services?

This is the million-dollar question that you’ve been asking since the beginning of reading this guide, right? Well, there are a few little steps that you should take, but I promise I won’t make it long. The very first thing that you should do is do extensive market research. Know the problems or issues that app users of your competitors are facing.

Using this knowledge, enhance your app and integrate the right features that will help people see how your app offers them a solution for their problems. Next, start turning your ideas into reality. Visualize your app in the future for this step to work. Use user feedback to know what features you must have in your app, what are “add-ons,” and what features you can add in the future when you have certain capabilities.

The third and final step in your app development is to price everything. This means that you should get a paper and a pencil and start writing down hiring expenses, service costs, and app development costs. This will help you create an efficient budget for your app and help you avoid any money-related holdbacks. A great monetization strategy will save you a lot in the future.

Wrapping It Up!

If you’re looking for a tool that helps you create an app from scratch, our no-code native app builder, nandbox, is the perfect solution. With our app builder, you can create a seamless app in no time and with costs that are half what you may pay for an app developer. Our app builder will help you turn your idea into reality. Using our simple drag-and-drop feature addition mechanism, you’ll find the whole app development process easier than it sounds. Sign up now and use our 14-day free trial to familiarize yourself with our modules and features. It is easy, cheap, and time-saving!