What Technologies Are Used for Developing Web-Based Online Games?

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Web-based online game development has become quite popular in recent years. Players can play these games immediately from their browsers without even downloading them. No need for extra plugins, software, or other resource installations. If you want to try your hands at building online web-based games, you must get familiar with the relevant technologies and tools first. Ready to uncover them? Let’s dig in.

What is Web-based Online Game Building?

You must use HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript together to develop a web-based online game. During the game-building process:

  • HTML5 will help you craft the structure of the game as well as its content.
  • CSS will help you design the game’s overall layout and color schemes.
  • Meanwhile, you will use JavaScript to create the game logic and interactivity. In other words, you need JavaScript to develop game rules and decide how your game character and objects move and behave.

Web-based online games can be played across many devices as long as you have access to the internet. You can play these games using desktops, laptops, tablets, or other mobile devices.

You don’t even need to install these games. All you need to do is open your browser, go to the game’s website, and start playing. And that’s what makes them popular.

Online gaming platforms are one of the biggest examples of the popularity of web-based games. You will find many online gaming options at Daman Game, Buff, Swagbucks, and other popular online web-based gaming platforms.

The global market size of web-based games was $23.4 billion in 2021. And it’s predicted to reach $31.89 billion by the end of 2030.

Technologies You Need to Develop Web-based Online Games

Develop Web-based Online Games

Developing web-based online games takes much more than HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Here are some critical technologies you need to create online browser-based games:

  • Text Editor: You need a quality text editor to write and edit the HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript codes of your game. 

Although you can use general text editors like Notepad, you will have an easier time programming if you use dedicated text editors like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.

  • Game Engines: You’re always welcome to write code for a game from scratch. However, such a process can be a very complicated and time-consuming affair.

To avoid that, you can use popular game engines like Phaser, Three.js, Babylon.js, or PixiJS. The game engines will provide solid frameworks for you to start working on your web-based games.

  • Web Browser: Modern web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge have built-in developer tools. So, you can test, edit, and debug your online games using these browsers.
  • Graphics Editing Software: Your online game must have stunning graphics to attract players and become popular. 

Graphics and image editing applications like Adobe Photoshop, Asprite, and GIMP will help you create beautiful graphics assets for your game.

More Tools and Technologies to Explore

  • Physics Engine: Some online games might need physics simulation to work well. If your online game needs this element, you must integrate physics engines into your game. 

Matter.js and Cannon.js are examples of popular JavaScript 2D and 3D physics engines respectively.

  • Version Control System: You can use version control systems, such as Git, to keep track of your web-based online game’s code. This way, you can see all the changes you made in your game’s code over time and edit them according to your needs.
  • Audio Tools: Music and sound effects are important elements that make games fun and immersive. To create and edit different music and sound effects for your game, you need to use audio tools like Adobe Audition or Audacity.
  • Build Tools: Open-source build tools like Gulp or Webpack can help you bundle your game assets and optimize the game’s workflow to create efficient build pipelines.
  • Responsive Design Testing Tools: Your online games must work on all kinds of devices, including tablets and mobiles. 

With responsive design testing programs like Chrome Developer Tools or BrowserStack, you can ensure that your game works perfectly on screens of all sizes.


As long as you understand how to use the right tools, building web-based online games will become way easier than ever before. Develop your game concepts. Select the right tools. And then, work hard with a dash of creativity. This way, you can create incredible web-based games that will make people go wild.