How to Utilize Cake Features for Detecting and Preventing Affiliate Fraud?

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CAKE has in-built fraud prevention functionalities into its e-commerce platform. It will be able to detect fraud with real-time data analytical features that ensure every transaction is genuine and safe.

Time-to-conversion thresholds and referrer reporting give businesses a better way to track and confirm genuine customer interactions. Setting custom alerts for abnormal campaign behaviour and pixel allowlisting is possible with CAKE integration services. It can provide a proactive fraud detection approach and is an ideal affiliate marketing software solution. 

This omnidirectional security strategy will protect revenue while creating user trust, making CAKE a reliable partner in e-commerce operations. We’ll go through some of the functionalities of CAKE that will help you detect and prevent affiliate fraud.

What is the Meaning of Affiliate Fraud? 

An affiliate fraud involves stealing attribution for a conversion they did not cause, yet they receive the payment. As the advertiser or network, individuals end up paying for something that should have been an organic conversion or generated through another source. 

CAKE collects data on such a granular level and provides ongoing transparency into that data. It allows us to arm you with robust tools that expose fraudulent activities and notify you of any questionable affiliate behaviour and traffic trends.

How to Utilize Cake to Determine Affiliate Fraud? 

Several features will enable you to track, check, and analyze detailed data for clicks and conversions that help to identify fraud traffic in real time. Some of the features include: 

Time-to-Conversion Thresholds 

Time-to-conversion thresholds allow you to track and payout on only those conversions that occur beyond a threshold of click-to-conversion time. For instance, you might want to purge from tracking conversions within seconds of the click since those likely indicate bot traffic and affiliate fraud. 

Since this varies for offers across many form types and verticals, CAKE allows time-to-conversion thresholding to be set at the offer level.  

Referrer Reporting 

CAKE contains two features that assist in identifying problematic patterns in real time: the Referrer Report and the Pixel Log. A vendor can use the Referrer Report to determine the origin of their click traffic, confirming traffic performance by each click referrer.

Reports like this help detect or discover the source of spammed traffic, new or unknown traffic sources, and driving high- or low-performing referring sites. 

For instance, it might show a very high conversion rate from some referrers, which could indicate fraud. You can slice the referrer report in many ways: by advertiser, offer, campaign, affiliate, and even sub-affiliate.

The Pixel Log displays every incoming CAKE conversion pixel request from your advertisers across all offers. You can view both the referrer URL and IP address of the browser or HTML conversion pixels, as well as the server pixels or postback URL IP address.

Pixel log will allow you to detect affiliate fraud by showing possible patterns of IP addresses of bad actors. A Pixel log can trace the threat from automatic systems that aim to create conversions with unreal information. 

Time-Based Alerts 

Individuals can reduce fraud by setting notifications on excessive clicks, conversions, duplicate click IPs, or click-to-conversion ratios over time. This will allow you to identify and address the source in a very timely manner.

Conversions from Allowlisted IPs

Allowlisted IPs

Reduce fraudulent conversions by ensuring that only allowlisted IP addresses can access your server-to-server tracking method with postback URLs. Allowlisting your HTTP client’s IP address will help you only pay for conversions from approved sources and disregard all requests from unauthorized IP addresses.

Rules Targeting 

After discovering affiliate fraud, you can reduce the risk by tracking down the scam to a specific referrer URL or an IP address. You can use rules to target the referrer level or IP addresses on your offer to block traffic from reaching the landing page. This ensures that you are not sending or paying for unwanted traffic to your advertiser and that the campaign performance remains clean and accurate.

Use Third-Party Integrations


You can enhance your fraud management practices by integrating third-party fraud prevention tools. These integration partners can offer CAKE real-time click and conversion scores, enabling you to quickly intervene and control campaign traffic that seems suspicious based on their own data.

By coupling CAKE’s third-party integrations and traffic control capabilities like rules targeting and IP blocklisting with your intelligence, you can reduce the ability to create your own rules for blocking. It can be at the forefront of developing granular-level traffic rerouting or stopping at a campaign level.

How Effective Are Cake Features in Stopping Fraudulent Activities? 

CAKE’s e-commerce platform protects both merchants and customers from fraudulent activities with a robust set of features. It has anti-fraud measures, including custom alerts, notifying merchants of fraudulent activities for immediate action. 

Additionally, CAKE is proactive against fraud through pixel allowlosting since it processes verified transactions that bring down probable fraud that may affect revenue. 

Moreover, this supports third-party integration; the platform extends CAKE’s native capabilities, offering a more comprehensive fraud protection strategy.

These combined characteristics defend against many forms of e-commerce fraud, like identity theft, account takeover, and payment fraud, which protect online transactions and consumer trust. 

The fact that CAKE takes fraud prevention entirely is evident in its constant updating and enhancements, making it an ideal affiliate marketing software solution. It shows the changing landscape associated with the security challenges in e-commerce.  

Overall, the features in the CAKE e-commerce include functionalities that efficiently deal with fraudsters. Pipelining real-time data analysis with tracking mechanisms. CAKE has features such as time-to-conversion thresholds and referrer reports that help inform users of suspicious activities.

Reduce the ability to track accurate and actual conversions with these CAKE features. It aids in identifying and filtering out spam traffic and suspicious behaviour related to sales and patterns to ensure their authenticity. Using extensive data. CAKE users can cover their revenues while earning trust from advertisers and affiliates, establishing a solid pillar against the ever-evolving e-commerce fraud.


CAKE’s e-commerce platform has robust affiliate fraud protection so that you can protect your affiliate marketing business. The advanced features include time-to-conversion thresholds and referrer real-time reporting, thus helping spot dubious activities immediately. 

This allows businesses to filter out bot traffic by setting conversion thresholds. So, referrer reports state abnormal patterns, which, of course, are fraud symptoms. 

Further, the pixel allowlisting and custom alerts provided by CAKE add extra layers of security in identifying fraudulent conversions and securing the affiliate marketing effort. 

These detailed tools protect revenue and foster trust with genuine affiliates for protection from a more profitable e-commerce environment. CAKE is among the top affiliate marketing software solutions that may help you expand your business.