Promoting your app launch on social media

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You have a new app that you’re eager to introduce to the world. So, how do you introduce it? By having a social media page to promote it. This post will look at how you can promote your new app, and also give you a few tips. 

Why Your App Needs a Social Media Page

Let’s look at some reasons as to why your app should have a social media page.

Find Your Target Audience

Chances are, your app appeals to a specific demographic. Young, old, male, female, rich, poor, and so on. It’s important to reach that target audience and show how the app you have can solve a pain point they’re dealing with.

Social media makes it easy to reach your audience. Through keywords, hashtags, and targeted ads, you can find the audience who will want to use your app.


Social media helps get your brand image into the minds of people who will want to use it. One way that you can have a good brand image is to have an iconic profile pic that will stand out. You should also have a unique content strategy that’s going to have people talking! With enough effort, your brand may be seared in the minds of millions!

Get Feedback

Since your app is launching, there may be certain features that you should add or glitches you have not discovered yet. An extensive social media campaign can attract folks who will give you feedback and offer suggestions to improve your app even further.


Finally, social media is a good way to find people to collaborate with. You may join forces with a company offering a product that complements yours or work with an influencer whose target audience matches yours.

How to Have a Successful Social Media Campaign

Now, let’s look at some ways that you can have a successful campaign.

Be on Sites Your Target Audience Uses

First and foremost, you should be on social media apps used by your target audience. If your target audience is older Millennials and up, you may use Facebook. If it’s younger, you may be on Instagram or TikTok.

Also, know how each site works. Facebook is great for making informative content. Meanwhile, Instagram is where you go if you want to show off some of your app’s strong visual aspects. Chances are, you will probably need to use several sites and have unique campaigns for each of them.

Make Interesting Content

Interesting Content

Your content should promote the launch of your app. However, if the promotion is too heavy-handed, this may turn off some potential fans. Instead, you should make content that is related to your target audience in some way. For instance, if your app is about recipes, you may post some cooking tips.

Reward Early Adopters

Some people may be wary about downloading your app. If it’s a video game, they may already have too many games. If it’s a shopping app, people may not want the hassle of entering their information again.

That’s why it’s crucial to sweeten the deal by giving early adopters some reward. For example, in the shopping app, you could provide the first 1,000 downloaders some store credit.

Encourage and Post Reviews

App reviews are always important, especially if you’re a new app. That’s why you should post calls to action to post reviews. You may reward reviewers by selecting one randomly for a gift card, but a general call to action to post a review usually helps.

If users give your app a positive review, you should make a post showcasing them. However, not all reviews will be positive. That’s why it’s also important for you to respond to any negative feedback gracefully. You may tell them that you’re addressing the issue, or you may give them credit for their bad experience.

Q&A Posts

Another way you can grow your audience is to host Q&As regularly. Some people may be interested in your app but have legitimate questions about it. You can host a Q&A to answer people’s burning questions and highlight the most interesting ones.

Give a Clear Launch Date

If you’re about to launch your app, it’s important to tell people when it’s launching. Your cover photo may detail when it’s launching and for what apps. If there are any delays, you should change that banner ASAP. Ideally, you should only announce a launch date when you know for sure that it’s going to launch that day.

Follow Standard Social Media Growth Rules

If you want a successful app launch, it’s also essential for you to follow standard social media growth rules. These rules include:

  •   Post content regularly and have a content calendar. Your app’s campaign may contain infographics, Instagram Stories showing behind-the-scenes content, and short videos of the app being used.
  •   Post when your audience is the most active. When they are active can depend on who your audience is and what day of the week it is, so use your analytics to figure out the best times. Also, learn how you can get more likes for your IG profile through ViralGrowing.
  •   Speaking of analytics, pay attention to them to ensure that your audience is the correct one and that your page is growing.
  •   Take advantage of trends and trending hashtags as long as they are relevant to your app and your brand image.
  •   Use hashtags and keywords that relate to your niche. A mix of larger and more niche hashtags may be a good solution.

 Ideally, you should shoot for five hashtags, which will be enough to reach your audience but not over-stuff your post. However, this number is flexible.

Final Thoughts

Your app’s launch can be a success through social media. As long as you play your cards right, you may get more downloads and better feedback. To succeed better, you may encourage reviews or offer a reward for early adopters. With that said, we hope this article helped you have a better app launch.